Breaking into Cloud Engineering: A Beginner’s Roadmap

Miracle Okah |

Cloud engineering is the new gold in tech, with the market projected to reach USD 1235.4 billion by 2030. Many companies are now moving to cloud-based systems, and as a result, cloud engineers are in high demand with top salaries and job security. So, if you are considering a career path that promises growth and stability, cloud engineering might be the answer.

What is Cloud Engineering?

Cloud engineering involves designing, building, and managing cloud computing systems and applications. It also involves maintaining the cloud infrastructure by setting up and managing cloud-based servers, storage, networks, and databases. 

A cloud engineer must have a solid knowledge of programming, operating systems, DevOps, Engineering principles, database management, security and virtualisation. 

How To Become a Cloud Engineer

Here is a step-by-step guide to becoming a cloud engineer

  1. Familiarise Yourself with The Field: There are many courses online, and to ensure you are not wasting your time with the wrong one, research and see what people are saying about the online platform you want to learn from and the right course to take. Research the field, ask questions, seek professional advice, and prepare yourself.
  1. Get Certified Online: Once you are sure about the right course to take, register and apply for it. Learn the necessary technical and soft skills, build hands-on experience, and get certified.
  1. Join communities: To stay motivated, join communities for beginners like yourself and find mentors online. You will get to ask questions, meet other cloud engineers and even find internship opportunities there. 
  1. Gain Real-Life Experience: To gain real-life experience, start applying for internships or entry-level jobs. You can apply with your resume and the portfolio you created when you took the course. If you are not getting internship opportunities, you can send cold emails to companies you would like to work with and offer your services. 
  1. Start Networking: Networking is a good way to get job opportunities and meet mentors who can guide you in your career journey. Attend conferences, events and workshops to develop professional connections. 

Continuous learning helps you stand out from others and gives you an edge. So do not stop learning; ask questions when necessary and seek help from people in your communities and among your friends. Stay motivated, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful cloud engineer.

PS: Here is what a day in the life of a cloud engineer looks like. 

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